
Why Neuter? Rabbits must be neutered for reasons of overpopulation, health, behavior, happiness, and companionship. Neutering not only helps curb overpopulation of domestic rabbits, it dramatically decreases the chance of reproductive cancers, makes litter box training easier, and reduces chewing and territorial behavior, such as spraying. Please see the article: 5 Reasons to Neuter Your Bunny

When is it safe to neuter? Most female rabbits can be spayed at 4-6 months of age, though some veterinarians prefer to wait until they are over 6 months, if there is no chance of pregnancy. Male rabbits can be neutered as soon as their testicles descend, at about 10-14 weeks of age. Some veterinarians feel more comfortable waiting until males are a minimum of 4 months of age. Older rabbits can also be neutered if they are in good health. Since females are prone to developing reproductive organ cancers, there is even more reason to spay an older intact female, to remove any cancer that may have already developed. You will want to have your older rabbit examined and a blood test done prior to neuter, and we do recommend that neutering of older rabbits be done by a specialist with a high success rate.

Pre Operation: Your rabbit should NOT be fasted prior to the operation. Instead, try to get your rabbit to eat something as close to the time of operation as possible, and bring along some of your bunny’s food in case there’s a wait. To minimize stress, do not leave your rabbit at the neuter clinic or veterinary hospital any more in advance of the operation than is absolutely necessary. Rabbits should be transported in a hard plastic carrier with liner such as artificial lambswool to keep them from sliding around and soiling themselves as they wait for surgery or are transported back home. When transporting, be aware that rabbits overheat easily–never leave a rabbit in a closed vehicle.

How much should you expect to pay? Costs vary between $125 for a low-cost neuter to $1,500 for a spay done by an exotic specialist.

Veterinarian information is provided to give you the information you need to further investigate who offers spay/neuter services for rabbits and is not an endorsement.

Link to full-service rabbit veterinarians.

Clinics for low-cost neuters (NOTE there are very few safe options at this time. Please research ANY low-cost clinic yourself, before taking your rabbit there):

Amazing Small Animal Practice
14800 S Western Ave.
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 908-0510

Financial aid:
At this time, there is limited financial aid available for rabbit neuters.
Residents of Los Angeles City can get a voucher for $50 off or, if low-income, $125.
Vouchers are available through Do thorough research before
taking your rabbit to any veterinarian on a City or County list as they do not have the resources
to thoroughly check out the veterinarian's survival rates.

      • Actors & Others: (818) 755-6045
Please note: Rabbits should never be fasted (have food or water removed) before surgery. If you contact a clinic and are told to fast your rabbit, do not take your bunny there! Be aware that there are clinics that claim to “do rabbits” but they tend to have a high mortality rate. Rabbits are delicate and you must follow post-operative instructions.